7 бесплатных on-line курсов по архитектуре и дизайну.
Бесплатные он-лайн курсы по архитектуре и дизайну на английском языке от ведущих международных университетов и институтов. Классические подходы в архитектуре и дизайне. От знаменитого цикла "Все, что я знаю : 42 часов Бакминстера Фуллера Visionary Лекции Free Online ( 1975 )" до Theory of City Form. Вы можете загрузить аудио- и видео-курсы на свой компьютер или любой другой гаджет и прослушивать и просматривать их в свободное время. А также практиковать профессиональный английский лексикон.
04.07.2014, 12:09 | Автор: Make knowledge free and open.
Think of the name Buckminster Fuller, and you may think of a few oddities of mid-twentieth-century design for living: the Dymaxion House, theDymaxion Car, the geodesic dome. But these artifacts represent only a small fragment of Fuller’s life and work as a self-styled “comprehensive anticipatory design scientist.” In his decades-long project of developing and furthering his worldview — an elaborate humanitarian framework involving resource conservation, applied geometry, and neologisms like “tensegrity,” “ephemeralization,” and “omni-interaccommodative” — the man wrote over 30 books, registered 28 United States patents, and kept a diary documenting his every fifteen minutes. These achievements and others have made Fuller the subject of at least four documentaries and numerous books, articles, and papers, but now you can hear all about his thoughts, acts, experiences, and times straight from the source in the 42-hour lecture series Everything I Know, available to download at the Internet Archive. Though you’d perhaps expect it of someone whose journals stretch to 270 feet of solid paper, he could really talk.
The past, present, and future of the automobile is explored, bridging the humanities, social sciences, design, and engineering, and taking up the human experiences of designing, making, driving, being driven, living with, and dreaming of the autom...
This course introduces skills needed to build within a landscape establishing continuities between the built and natural world. Students learn to build appropriately through analysis of landscape and climate for a chosen site, and to conceptualize design decisions through drawings and models.
Prof. Jacqueline Gargus, Knowlton School of Architecture, Ohio State University.
History of Architecture I (Arch 5110) is aimed at an audience of architecture students and traces thematic arcs to provide a conceptual overview of architectural history from pre-history through the nineteenth century. The intent is not to develop an historical or art historical argument, but rather to provide insight into the formal structure and technological challenges of the built environment. The ambition is to develop strategies that will help young architects make design decisions and better appreciate the richness of the material world as well as to understand the political and social implications of every architectural act.
This course is an introduction to the great buildings and engineering marvels of Rome and its empire, with an emphasis on urban planning and individual monuments and their decoration, including mural painting. While architectural developments in Rome, Pompeii, and Central Italy are highlighted, the course also provides a survey of sites and structures in what are now North Italy, Sicily, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, and North Africa. The lectures are illustrated with over 1,500 images, many from Professor Kleiner's personal collection.
This course covers the basic principles of elastic behavior for different materials such as wood, steel, concrete, and composite materials and compares the properties and applications of materials generally. It investigates cross sectional stress and strain behavior in flexure and in shear, and torsion as well as the stability of beams and columns. The qualitative behavior of combined stresses and fracture in materials is also covered.
This course covers theories about the form that settlements should take and attempts a distinction between descriptive and normative theory by examining examples of various theories of city form over time. Case studies will highlight the origins of the modern city and theories about its emerging form, including the transformation of the nineteenth-century city and its organization. Through examples and historical context, current issues of city form in relation to city-making, social structure, and physical design will also be discussed and analyzed.